featured Photography

Preparing For Your Photo Shoot


  1. Get plenty of sleep. 
  2. Drink plenty of water .
  3. Prepare your clothing so that they not crumbled on your shoot.
  4. Pack your accessories. 
  5. If double guessing an outfit, bring it.
  6. Do not wear bra or socks that will leave marks on your skin. 
  7. Fail your nails and decide on the colour you will wear. 
  8. Make sure eyebrows is neat. 
  9. Remove hair from underarms and legs.
  10. Wash and dry hair - hair will be styled at studio, depending on your package.
  11. Do not wear hair in pony tail to shoot it leaves a kink in your hair.
  12. Charge your phone and make sure your preferred music is ready to play in the background during your session.
  13. Outdoor shoot, wear sunscreen.
  14. Don't eat too much before the shoot it may leave you bloated, sip on water and eat a light meal.
  15. Bring bobby pins. 
  16. Relax, you going to have fun.

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